
28 November 2024
Денис Новиков

Denis Novikov

Deputy General Director for Information Technology of JSC Apatit (PhosAgro Group)

«The introduction of the modern eXpress corporate communications platform is another step towards increasing the company's technological sovereignty, as well as expanding the capabilities of the entire PhosAgro IT infrastructure. Today, domestic developers provide us with a wide range of digital solutions that meet the needs of corporate users. A flexible approach, as well as the adaptation of software products to the specifics and needs of the customer, allow us to obtain the best solution on the market»

30 October 2024
Александр фон Розен

Alexander von Rosen

Member of the Board of the NPO "Mobile Card" (operates under the brand "Unified CUPIS")

«Our company was looking for a Russian solution that would provide a secure and flexible environment for corporate communication. Thanks to the efforts of the Wone IT and eXpress teams, we were able to quickly transfer team communications to the eXpress platform. The partners approached the task in a coordinated and professional manner, and the project became an important step in our transition to domestic solutions.»

31 May 2024
Николай Галкин

Nikolay Galkin

CIO of the Coffeemania company

«One of the benefits of eXpress is being in touch with external partners who have signed up on their own. Few offer this»

27 May 2024
Николай Галкин

Nikolay Galkin

CIO of the Coffeemania company

«Our serious IT expertise and active customer support from the vendor contributed to the successful implementation. It is significant that our employees not only actively use the messenger, but also come to us with ideas for improving eXpress»

22 April 2024
Денис Кривоносов

Denis Krivonosov

Head of Information Technology Department at Norilsk Nickel

«We started the creation of Superniki with a market analysis, and when we realized that there were no ready-made solutions that worked out of the box, we decided that we needed to take on the development ourselves. We chose Express, the vendor with the most advanced platform at the moment, and on its basis we began to develop a corporate super app»

14 February 2024
Василий Корнейчук

Vasily Korneychuk

IT business partner of the human resources, social policy and public relations unit of Norilsk Nickel

«Norilsk Nickel is not only an employer of more than 80 thousand employees throughout Russia, but also an operator of a distributed network of critical infrastructure facilities, the information security of which always has the highest priority. Therefore, the initial plans for using Microsoft solutions to combine information services and capabilities had to be revised almost on the fly. Market analysis showed that the optimal solution would be to create a corporate super application based on existing individual apps, the eXpress secure messenger from the Russian developer Unlimited Production and the open source access control system Keycloak. Norilsk Nickel's strong in-house IT team and partnership with Unlimited Production made it possible to quickly create and launch into pilot operation the country's most multifunctional corporate super application, Supernika.»

5 September 2023
Кирилл Семион

Kirill Semion

Head of the Department of Informatization (CDI) of JSC Russian Railways

«Before the implementation of eXpress, it was not possible to provide the necessary level of protection for production information when communicating in a mobile application. The service provides the required level of security. Also, the installation of the messenger allowed JSC Russian Railways to solve the problem of prompt communication between employees who are away from the office. The more than tenfold increase in the number of users over two years indicates that the service is in great demand among the company’s employees. In the near future we expect growth to 250 thousand people.»

25 May 2023
Евгений Абакумов

Evgeny Abakumov

Director of Information Technologies, Rosatom

«We strive to provide convenient and secure mobile access to corporate systems, as this will allow you to perform production tasks more efficiently and eliminate unnecessary routine. In Rosatom’s internal digitalization projects, we focus on finished domestic products that meet industry requirements and have a clear development roadmap. Colleagues from eXpress, during their collaboration with the Greenatom project team, proved their competence, showed a desire to develop the product, and we will continue our cooperation in the future.»

Евгений Абакумов1

Evgeny Abakumov

Director of Information Technologies, Rosatom

«We needed a communication tool that would unite different business processes within Rosatom. eXpress became such a tool. eXpress has classic features: correspondence, video chats, channels for internal news feeds, broadcasts, as well as the ability to communicate with colleagues and external corporations. For internal scenarios of Rosatom, we followed the path of smartapps, which complement the usual communication process in a certain mobile version.»

14 April 2020
Владимир Петров

Vladimir Petrov

Head of the Development Department of the Center for Corporate Transport Services of JSC Russian Railways

«In design and functionality, it resembles all other well-known instant messengers, but in principle they are all similar, so working with eXpress did not cause me any particular difficulties. And, of course, the most important thing is that all messages remain in the company - security is very important now, because on remote access you almost constantly have to use electronic devices and remember this.»