As it was before
Previously, Investment Fund employees used many different services to communicate and exchange documents. This led to difficulties in finding the necessary information, as discussions were conducted in several channels, some of which were foreign. For example, video calls were conducted via Zoom, and messaging — via Telegram. After the sanctions were imposed, there was a threat of corporate data leakage. To minimise risks and simplify communication, it was decided to replace foreign platforms with a domestic alternative - eXpress.
The challenges the company faced were:
- Organise all communication channels and create a single point of entry.
- Protect confidential data during exchange;
- Guarantee quality technical support and prompt problem solving.
Choosing eXpress
«Before we decided on eXpress, we studied the corporate platform market in detail," says Dmitry Poznyakov, IT Director of EVERMOUNT CAPITAL GROUP, "No serious difficulties arose during the testing of eXpress, which was one of the key factors in our decision. We do not see any worthy competitors on the market. The platform is developing rapidly, the developers are constantly adding new features and taking into account the wishes of clients».
The eXpress platform was also chosen for its enhanced information security, including:
- three-factor authentication (3FA);
- crypto container technology;
- high privacy features
- integration with DLP (InfoWatch, Solar Dozor) and SIEM systems;
- antivirus scanning of all incoming files.
Another important argument in favour of choosing eXpress was the FSTEK of Russia's Level 4 certificate, which confirms compliance with high information security standards.
Implementation in 3 weeks
The project to migrate to eXpress started in 2023. The first test licences were deployed within two weeks to a group of 30 employees. After just one week, the system was fully ready for use as part of the pilot project. The eXpress development team not only promptly installed the product, but also actively assisted employees in mastering it, which significantly accelerated the implementation.
Technical support from the eXpress team was also of a high standard: specialists quickly responded to queries, provided detailed instructions and documentation, which helped to effectively train users and get the system fully operational.
Results of implementation
The eXpress platform has completely replaced all previously used foreign services for corporate communication in the company. Now all the main communication channels are concentrated in one application where employees can comfortably communicate and fulfil their tasks:
- corporate chats with the function of creating discussions on topics and the ability to add reactions;
- videoconferencing for team calls;
- mini-applications, such as Email SmartApp and Calendar SmartApp, that facilitate workflows;
In addition, the Investment Fund plans to deploy its own corporate file storage based on eXpress in the near future to create a single secure platform. In 2025, it is planned to scale the use of the platform to all employees of the company, bringing the number of users to 200 people.
"We appreciate the quality and efficiency of eXpress, this product has become an important tool in our operations. We thank you for your excellent support. The platform not only helps us solve daily tasks, but also flexibly adapts to our requirements and pace of work," stressed Anton Chertkov, CEO of EVERMOUNT CAPITAL GROUP.